Another busy week is behind us. Yesterday, my friend Beth came over and we had a girls' night. Very relaxing and very long in coming. Beth kindly brought us a housewarming gift- a bottle of South African wine and the sweetest thing ever- a Nelson Mandela apron! Our family and friends have been generous with housewarming gifts but this is pretty neat:

Today we were going to stop by Whole Foods to grab some ingredients for a nice V-day dinner but it was a huge cluster #$%& there. They had traffic cops in the parking ramp and that thing was full to the gills so we decided to have a re-do on that project. If the garage was full, imagine what the store and lines were like. Um yeah, not so much. Instead, we spent a very romantic day killing fire ant mounds (they're all over! ugh!), mounting the flat screen TV above the fire place, building Ikea bookshevles, and other homeowner stuff. Probably not cupid-approved but we're happy feathering our nest and not battling the crowds.