Saturday, August 9, 2008


The Dark Knight was sold out at the Imax so we changed our plans today and will see the movie tomorrow. Basically, we spent the morning assessing the state of our apt and made a plan of action [Austin's idea, I was just ready to dig in :-) ].

Then we left for Ikea and learned how to get there on the toll road. We got a TV stand for the ginormous 46" LCD flat screen that we now have and we drooled over all the other stuff we can't get until we move somewhere a little more permanent, like a condo or townhouse. After Ikea, we checked out the nearby outlet mall and then did other shopping. We were pleased to find a dining room set that is perfect and on sale for $250, day-um! We'll order it tomorrow and it should get here within two weeks so we won't have to eat off of Rubbermaid bins any longer.

We got a lot accomplished though we still need a bedspread and now we need to actually clean up and organize the apt. As soon as that is done, I will post pictures.

For now, we're relaxing and putting a few things away when we feel like it. We can't wait for this place to take shape!

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